Thursday, February 14, 2008

Britney Spears Plans Like Crazy To Get Arnold Schwarzenegger's Help

Britney Spears

On Tuesday, her "manager," Sam Lutfi, called a senior publicist who had once represented California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in his movie-star days.

"Britney says her civil rights have been violated and she wants to talk to Arnold about it," says a source with firsthand knowledge of the conversation.

Last month, Spears was twice committed into mental care. But she also believes her inability to keep a lawyer in her continuing custody battle with Kevin Federline is a "civil rights" issue.

"She wants the governor to look into why she can't get an attorney," according to my mole. "Sam was chewing on his dinner while he was saying all this into the phone."

Britney's sudden interest in Arnie may have been triggered by a chance meeting she had with his wife, Maria Shriver. California's first lady and first looney chatted briefly after bumping into each other in the lobby of the Beverly Hills Hotel last week.

The source also said Lutfi was highly critical of Spears' father, Jamie, during the conversation. But while he was seeking an introduction to the Governator, he didn't want to give out Britney's phone number because it was "confidential."

"He wanted Schwarzenegger to call him, and he said he'd hand Britney the phone," laughs our ear-witness.

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