Thursday, February 14, 2008

Britney Spears' Parents Have Been Urged By Peta

Britney Spears' parents have been urged by Peta to keep their daughter away from dairy products, as her love of ice cream could be making her bipolar disorder worse.

Peta president Ingrid Newkirk wrote to Jamie and Lynne Spears: "We have heard that Britney asked for ice-cream while she was in the hospital. There could, in fact, be a connection between her diet and her mental-health problems.

"Numerous reports indicate that in bipolar patients who have hidden dairy sensitivities (a fairly common condition), the disorder can worsen if the patient consumes dairy products."

The group also claim Britney should stop eating meat because medical research has shown there is a link between eating meat and the development of mental illness schizophrenia.

Newkirk added: "A significant body of research - including evidence cited by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - has linked parasites that are often found in undercooked meat (Toxoplasma gondii) to the development of schizophrenia.

"While the medical link between mental illness and meat and dairy consumption is still evolving, there is no doubt that eating animal products is a major factor in causing other diseases."

Britney is believed to be suffering from bipolar disorder following her bizarre behaviour, including shaving her head, refusing to return her two children to ex-husband Kevin Federline and talking in a British accent.

The 26-year-old Toxic star was recently admitted to a Los Angeles hospital for psychological evaluation.

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