Thursday, September 4, 2008

Britney Spears' Mom Tells Secrets

She lost her virginity at 14, started drinking at 13, and began taking drugs at 15, according to revelations from Britney Spears' mom's new book.

Lynne Spears wrote Britney Spears started drinking alcohol when she was on Disney's Mickey Mouse club. She also says that when Britney left the show at 14, she had sex with an 18-year-old high-school footballer.

And the drugs? According to Lynne, that started when a 15-year-old Britney headed to Los Angeles to make her hit debut album, Baby One More Time.

The revelations have been leaked ahead of the release of Lynne's new memoirs, Through the Storm.

The 53-year-old talks of how she regrets handing over Britney's career to managers, and allowing Britney to be promoted as a sex object at such a tender age.

Britney has twice been admitted to a psychiatric hospital and this year lost custody of her two children, who will now stay with her ex, Kevin Federline.

And, according to the Mirror, Lynne believes her daughter's problems stem from her tumultuous teenage years and the pressures of fame.

Mother and daughter have a checkered history, and became estranged when Britney's marriage broke down in 2006.

But Lynne stepped in this year when Britney started suffering with psychiatric problems.

Hopefully the new book, out on 16 September, won't prove to be a huge stumbling block in their newly-reconciled relationship…

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